Who is THRIVE! for?

Priority for RESPOND grants will be given to BITOC with the highest demonstrated need, economic and otherwise, and who have demonstrated valued service for their chosen communities. RECOGNIZE grants will serve to strengthen theatres with visionary leadership and impactful programming, as well as a record of valued service for their chosen communities.

Successful applicants will present a clear commitment to their chosen community and care deeply about all facets of their community’s day-to-day experience. They profoundly engage their community, maintain mutually beneficial partnerships with them and regularly practice deep inquiry about the quality of the community’s interaction with them. Not only will the applicant show how the community has been affected by their experience with the theatre, but also how the theatre’s staff, operations and programming have been affected by their interaction with the community.

TCG is inspired by the writings of W.E.B Du Bois and defines BITOC as organizations that have been founded by, for, about, with, and near BIPOC communities. THRIVE! recognizes that communities of color often disperse beyond one geographic area. Also, during this pandemic time, we recognize the difficulty of being in physical proximity to community members. For these reasons, we are defining “near” and “with” broadly to include digital and cultural proximity. In addition to these elements, BITOC are led by BIPOC.

Theatre organizations not originally founded by BIPOC, but which have undergone significant reimagining of their mission, vision, values, leadership and staff to self-identify as a BITOC, and which have publicly stated in word and practice that they are BIPOC-centered will be considered.

With the above exception, predominantly white theatre organizations, even if helmed by BIPOC leaders, are not eligible. However, TCG believes these BIPOC leaders and their theatres need support in order to succeed and addresses these needs through TCG programs and services separate from THRIVE! which include affinity spaces throughout the year and at the National Conference. 

Is our theatre eligible?

THRIVE! embraces the broadest range of models and methods for theatre-making and understands that theatres are not uniform in aesthetic, approach, context, structure or delivery. At its core, theatre is an expressive and collaborative art form using any combination of words, voice, movement, media and visual elements to convey an idea, emotion or feeling. Programming activities may include development of new work; readings; workshops; educational activities; community conversations; podcasts; touring; work located in community venues; in addition to fully produced work on a mainstage.

Note that leadership, staff and core members of applicant organizations are not required to provide proof of US citizenship.


Eligible applicants in both RESPOND and RECOGNIZE will fully meet the following criteria:

  • Self-identification as a BITOC organization (founded by, for, about, with and near) based in the US (including Tribal Nations and US Territories) with organizational documents and platforms confirming this self-identification.
  • Evidence of theatre as a central through line in activities and programming
  • Evidence of serving and engaging BIPOC community/communities

In addition:


RESPOND applicants must have either a:

  • 501(c)(3) for their organization


  • Fiscal sponsorship by an entity with a tax-exempt status


  • Certificate of Incorporation


  • If the applicant organization has not incorporated yet, a lead contact person who is able to receive taxable income in the US.

RESPOND applicants must also have a:
  • Minimum of six months prior existence as a theatre organization with documented activities, an intention to continue operations and a lead contact person. Organizations and companies formed for a single project and moment in time are not eligible.
  • Evidence of operations (other than in-kind revenue) as a theatre organization. This may include bank statements, payroll sheets, balance sheets, Profit & Loss statement. Applicants will be able to indicate in-kind contributions on the application form.



RECOGNIZE applicants must have:

  • 501(c)(3) for their organization or fiscal sponsorship by an entity with tax-exempt status. 
  • Minimum of two years prior existence as a theatre organization with documented activities and an intention to continue operations
  • Evidence of operations (other than in-kind revenue) as a theatre organization. This may include bank statements, payroll sheets, balance sheets, Profit & Loss statement.  Applicants will be able to indicate in-kind contributions in the Fiscal Information section of the application.
Recognizing the broad structural and institutionalized barriers faced by BITOC in their operations and ability to program, the applicant’s organizational operating budget size will not determine the amount of funding. As the DeVos Institute reported in its 2015 study of Diversity in the Arts, “the 20 largest mainstream organizations have a median budget of $61 million; the 20 largest organizations of color have a median budget size of $3.8 million.” A difference of 16 times in median budget size is a glaring illustration of disparity.

THRIVE! recognizes and values the cultural wealth, community assets, and relationships that have historically been structural strengths of BITOC. RECOGNIZE applicants will have an opportunity to include in-kind contributions on the application form, as well as earned and contributed income. In-kind support may include use of space, services, equipment, supplies or meals. Applicants will be asked to provide a best estimate of the value of all in-kind contributions.
*BITOC and BIPOC are terms used here for solidarity purposes representing a multiplicity of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. We acknowledge that the terms 'BITOC' and 'BIPOC' are imperfect, not universally embraced by many who identify as People of Color and/or People of the Global Majority, and that language is in a constant state of reimagination and redefinition. For reference, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color represent over 80% of the global population. It is possible that during the program period, the language may shift again.